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Selectmen Minutes 05/27/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 27, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Deputy Building Inspector

PD – Patrick has spoken to Fred Shaw about serving on the Space Needs Committee. Mr. Shaw is willing to volunteer.  The Board approved of his participation and does not need to meet with him. Chairman DeBold informed the Chief that he has an appointment on Friday afternoon to meet with the realtor regarding the potential purchase of the mobile home at 84 Suncook Valley Road, to be utilized as office space for the police department.  Patrick would also like to look into the trailer at the Congregational Church to see if it is now vacant and available for use.

HYW – Mr. Kenneally reported that the base and topcoat has been laid on Center Road with the tonnage being within 6 tons of what was quoted.  The driveways still need to be finished up.  CLD Engineering has completed their review and will forward to the Road Agent in writing.  CLD was on site just prior to and during the paving process.  CLD noted some spots that will need re-seeding.

The Road Agent has a plan from CLD for the work needed on Hilliard and Perry Brook Roads.  It needs to be reviewed by the Road Advisory Committee.

The highway department will be shimming the bad spots on Canterbury Road and then begin phase three of the ditching project.  

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally why he needed to pay a contractor to have material hauled to Hilliard Road, why not have a town truck hauling it or put the work off for a while.  All department heads were informed of the cash flow project and requested not to spend any unnecessary funds. Mr. Kenneally replied he could not stop working for four weeks because the town had no money.  

Lisa informed the Road Agent of a request received from Mr. Morrison on Robinson Road regarding the town taking over the maintenance of the gravel portion of the road as he is no longer able to.  Robinson road is not owned by the town.  Some research will need to be conducted to determine who is responsible for the maintenance of that road.  The Board directed Mr. Kenneally to research the matter and follow-up with Mr. Morrision.

Selectman MacCleery raised the question of on call time paid to the employee in charge during Mr. Kenneally’s absence.  Mr. Kenneally stated it has been decided by the Board in the past that an employee will receive $15/per hour, for a minimum of two hours, for each day they are required to be on call.  Mr. MacCleery did not realize that the on call was for both weekend days.  

 EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

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FD – The Chief had nothing to report this evening.

BI – Mr. Paveglio has received an inquiry from a perspective buyer for the Austin property on Route 4.  Mr. Paveglio is researching the file for the specifics of the approval.

Chief Clarke posed the concern of parking violations continuing around Carpenter Park.  He is considering the need for parking citations.  The Town would need to adopt an ordinance prior to the department issuing parking tickets.  Pat will check with the Town of Pittsfield for their policy on this matter.

Selectman MacCleery inquired why the need for the painting on the 2004 cruiser.  Chief Clarke explained the two recent mishaps to the passenger side door.  

The Road Agent informed the Selectmen he will be on vacation motorcycle week and the Fire Chief informed the Selectmen he will be on vacation from June 28th – July 14th.  

SUBJECT: Capital Projects
PRESENT: Department Heads & CIP committee members; Lisa Drouse, Doug Hall, Richard Moore, Mike Paveglio and Jamie Pike

Ms. Drouse explained to the group the changes made to the submission form for projects that are part of the Capital Improvements Plan.  Basically the form is a merger of a budget form being considered for use by the Budget Committee and Selectmen, and the form already in place by the Planning Board. Lisa noted key changes in the form- the requirement of supporting documentation to justify the cost of the request; and the inclusion of an expense consisting of more than ten percent of a department’s operating budget, now being included as a capital item.  The committee is more than willing to sit down with the department heads on an individual basis and assist them through the process.   The form was designed not to make the process more difficult but rather to make it easier going forward. Minor edits to the form were discussed.

Chairman DeBold stated that documentation to support the warrant article is extremely important for the budget process.

Ms. Drouse stated the purpose of the document is for the town to see why we need to spend this money on the town, a department head may know but the town doesn’t know.  The group also discussed the format of the entire CIP document.  The report needs to be clear and concise so the people will take the time to read it and be able to understand it.   A deadline for submittals by departments was established as July 18th.   Ms. Drouse will make the changes to the form and email to Mr. Pike for distribution to all departments.


Selectman MacCleery inquired as to the status of the L & K Truck Body zoning complaint.  Owner Ron Wroblewski responded to the Boards’ letter and met with the Planning Board in May.  The Planning Board determined their approval did not stipulate a condition that paving of the sales area must be done as mentioned in public hearing discussion and depicted on the Site Review Plan.  Therefore, the Planning Board had no authority to require the paving be done.  However, the Wetlands Permit issued from NH
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DES does mention the requirement of the paved area.  The Planning Board advised Mr. Wroblewski to follow up with DES.  A variance was granted by the Board of Adjustment relative to infringement on the wetlands.  At the BOA hearing, Mr. Wroblewski stated the sales area would be paved and the variance was granted based on that discussion and the paved area as depicted on the plan.  It is Selectman MacCleery’s opinion that L & K is still in violation of the Site Review Plan and therefore not in compliance with the town’s zoning.  The Board directed Lisa to send another letter to Mr. Wroblewski informing him that the town considered his property in violation until such time as the paving of the sales area was completed.

Zoning issue – Drew- Mr. Drew has been scheduled for the June Planning Board meeting.   

SUBJECT: Reporting Concerns; MS-10
PRESENT: Trustees of Trust Funds; Karla Brown, Donna Chagnon & Andrea Deachman  

Chairman DeBold informed the Trustees that it was brought to the Selectmen’s attention that there was a problem that was preventing the Trustees from completing the timely filing of the MS-10 report to the State and Attorney General’s Office.  This report is due annually by March 1st.   Karla & Donna explained the report is not correct, Terry Knowles from the Attorney General’s office had given the town an extension to May 1st, they are not sure if another extension to June 1st has been granted.  When Andrea arrived she informed the Board that the report is off by $30.00 and it is a problem within the formula calculations of the software.  Ms. Knowles has offered assistance to the Trustees either at her office or she could travel her but that may not be a possibility for several weeks.  The Trustees were not sure that would be considered another extension or if the town would be charged fines.  The MS-10 report is a reporting of all the cemetery funds.  

The Selectmen discussed concerns brought forward from the Cemetery Trustees.   The Trustees met with the Cemetery Trustees last evening and worked out the correct number of lots in each cemetery.  This number should remain a constant regardless of the number of plots sold. It would only change when a cemetery is expanded.  This reporting has not been accurate for a number of years and that is the reason the Trustees of the Trust Funds have not been able to calculate the interest and reimburse the general funds for lots with perpetual care.  

Chairman DeBold stated the Board needs to be informed of these problems, the Trustees handle town monies.  Chairman DeBold asked the Trustees why the report was continually late.  Ms. Deachman responded it is just getting the time to get in here and get it done. Andrea confirmed she had a written confirmation with the AG’s office for the June 1st extension.  She needs to communicate that information to the other Trustees.  Andrea assured the Selectman that all reports have been filed for the past six years.  Last year’s mishap was that only one report was sent to the AG and not to the Department of Revenue.  

Selectman MacCleery stated all three Trustees are equal positions on the committee and communication is very important, all three have the same powers.  

Ms. Chagnon, as Food Pantry Coordinator informed the Board that both freezers will not fit in the pantry.  The Selectmen were agreeable to removing the chest freezer and storing it for a brief period at the Chagnon’s home.  Ms. Chagnon will take care of arrangements for switching the freezers.

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The Board reviewed the refund request from Joe Austin for three impact fees paid at issuance of building permits in 2007.  The request was approved.  Lisa will forward to the Treasurer for disbursement.

 The Board discussed the two zoning complaints received for excessive signage at the Hess and Z-1 Express gas stations.  Selectman Jordan will speak to the manager at Z-1 Express and inform him of the ordinance regulations.  The Hess station has received a similar complaint in the past.  Lisa was directed to review the prior violation material and initiate a letter of complaint.

Chairman DeBold asked the other Board members for their thoughts on re-locating the November General Election to the school or keeping it at the Grange and purchasing additional voting booths.  This election is typically a very heavy turnout and the current arrangement is inadequate.  The Board directed Lisa to contact the moderator, Doug Hall for his recommendations before making any decision.   

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Motion second Chairman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan, to adjourn the meeting at 9:17pm.
All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Approved As Written

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan